Community Out Reach
Our community is important. We love to serve our community through programs, volunteering, community partnerships and sponsorships. Educating, empowering and inspiring, are an essential part of being true Leaders in the Community.
Our education efforts include an array of activities designed to improve quality of life, increase cultural awareness, and teach fundamental life skills and problem-solving strategies such as adopting schools, leading college tours, training, and mentoring.
Global International Affairs
We actively advocate and serve as an educational resource for critical human rights, health, and education initiatives affecting women of color around the world.
Some of our efforts include:
Sponsoring students primary and secondary education
Collecting Sanitary napkins and sending them abroad
Educating students on health
Educating communities about health and human rights

Let’s face it: technology rules the world. Our training for women aims to keep them on the leading edge to increase their value in the workplace.